Solon Italian Club

2024 Foundation Golf Outing     
Another great SIC Foundation golf outing in the books!
Thank you to all of our sponsors, patrons, and volunteers!
Goes without saying, none of this would be possible without Club President Brett Neff’s and Foundation President Tom Romeo’s efforts! A huge THANK YOU goes out to both!

Annual Reverse Raffle & Dinner Dance

Sights and sounds from the annual Solon Italian Club Foundation Dinner Dance and Reverse Raffle on April 27pm at the Hilton Garden Inn Twinsburg.
This year the SICF partnered with the Solon Benevolent Fund!
Led by Sandy Pannetti, the SBF provided a stunning collection of baskets for the raffle! Their efforts led to a complete sellout for the event.
Per usual, SICF and the Club did a great job with ticket sales and planning. Much thanks to Carl Pannetti, Tom Romeo, Al Giammaria, Don DeRoia and the many Club members (unfortunately too many to mention by name) and their wives that contributed their time and efforts to help. A herculean, but very worthwhile, effort.

The Solon Italian Club presents: The 38th Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

Sausage Making the Solon Italian Club Way!
Another great ’Sausage Fest’ in the books!
Thanks to Don DeRoia for chairing the event once again and thanks to our 40+ members (and a few future members) for seasoning, stuffing, and sampling over 400 pounds of ground pork! Fantastic morning all around!

Kid's Christmas Party
Another Solon Italian Club Kid’s Christmas Party is in the books!
Shout out to Albert Giammaria for chairing this event yet again!
Special thanks to the many students and club members who volunteered their time and service!
You better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I’m telling you why! Many thanks to the big man himself, Santa Claus (Rick Tonelli), for making his list and checking it twice (nobody was naughty and everyone was nice!)
We hope all of our guests had a wonderful time - Merry Christmas to you all!

Stag Raffle a Big Success

 The Stag Raffle was held on November 17th and once again it was a big success. Mark Bertolone and his team once again did a great job hosting this very important fund-raising event. Good food, an open bar and great conversations among friends makes this a fabulous event every year.

Much thanks to Mark, Tom Romeo and to the many Club Members that make this a fun evening.

Columbus Day Parade
🇮🇹 A great group of gentlemen enjoying this prideful day! 🇮🇹

Steak and Stogie
Steak and Stogie Night appeared to be a success with 29 attendees, tasty steaks, cassata cake and plenty of laughs. It sure seemed like everyone had a good time. Event Chair Jim D'Orazio wants to thank Ron Lanci, Phil Carbone, Bob Yodice and Al Giammaria for their help. 

2nd Annual Family Picnic
What a great turnout for the 2nd annual SIC Family Picnic!
Great food, great friends, great fun!
Special thanks to Ron Lanci and Brett Neff for manning the grill!
A huge shoutout to Blake Bailey Productions for keeping the kids entertained!
The water balloon fun took place just in time before the raindrops started falling.
Enjoy the scenes from our tremendous event!

Installation Dinner
This past Wednesday, May 31st, the Solon Italian Club held its annual Installation Dinner where we congratulate our scholarship winners, swear in our new board members, and formally present the Man of the Year award!
The Scholarship Committee, led by Bill Russo, have selected the following recipients for this year’s Solon Italian Club scholarship awards:
  • Liana DeLisio
  • Nina Nasca
  • Anna Rea
  • Ayden Miller
  • Antonette D’Angelo
In addition, Jim D’Orazio presented two winners of the Fred D’Orazio Memorial Scholarship:
  • Tyler Tartabini
  • Antonette D’Angelo
We swore in our President, Brett Neff, for his second term; Vice President Sam Merolla, for his second term; and Ron Carbone and Phil Zito, for their first terms as Trustee. The remaining board members are Treasurer, Mike Frangiamore (not pictured); Secretary Jim D’Orazio; Trustees John Zito, Dominic Lanteri, Ron Lanci, Mark Bertolone, and Angelo Carcioppolo (not pictured).
Buona Fortuna a tutti!

Our events are a lot of fun and a lot of work.  We hope you attend as many as possible. And we're always looking for volunteers.  Contact the event coordinator if you'd like to help.  The following events are a regular part of our annual calendar.

Sausage Making. This is a members only event. We get together to make sausage. Fun to see guys making long time family recipes.
Easter Egg Hunt.  Every year the club members and their families stuff about 15,000 eggs in preparation of Solon's Easter Egg Hunt.  Over 1000 kids participate. The Club has underwritten this event for 35 years and counting.

Bocce League.  We take our bocce (sort of) seriously. We built courts at the Solon Community Center and have a full slate of teams that play on Tuesday and Thursday nights from May through August.  It's fun and friendly competition.

DP Open.  Club members play a tournament against another club for bragging rights. Always on a good course and always with great food.  A fun day!

Big Brass Balls Bocce.  We play the Wickliffe Italian-American Club every year.  So far it's been a lesson in humility but we will close the gap!

Columbus Day Parade.  We march in the parade in Little Italy every year.  It becomes a day-long celebration of our Italian heritage. 

Monthly Meetings.  Great food and great comraderie make these meetings popular and well-attended events. 

Solon Italian Club Foundation Events

Annual Dinner Dance.  
Great food, a reverse raffle, open bar and dancing make this a really fun night. This year's dance will be at the Hilton Garden Inn - Twinsburg.

Annual Golf Outing.

The golf is good and the food is fabulous. Great prizes, a ball drop and once again great food!  Sponsorships are available!  

Clam Bake.

A traditional clam bake. They're always a fun way to spend a fall evening.  

Stag Raffle.

You put together good food, an open bar, a reverse raffle and some great people and you have a fun event that sells out every year.  
