"The purpose of this organization is to promote the heritage, culture and traditions of Italian-Americans through social, educational and recreational events. The organization shall also advance the educational development of Italian-American youth by generating and distributing funds for collegiate scholarships."
January Club Meeting
Our next meeting is Wednesday January 31st at 6:30 PM at the Solon Community Center.
We start the election process with nominations for President, Vice President and two Trustee positions. Tickets to this year's Annual Dinner Dance, an always great event, will also be available for the first time. Detais below.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Please note some important changes in start time and location for the meeting. We are back at the Community Center!! We will start at 6:30.
Annual Dues
If you haven't paid your dues please bring your check for $100 to this month's meeting. Thank you!
The Club year began July 1 and that means that membership dues are due now. The cost is $100. To those of you that have paid, THANK YOU!
Upcoming Events
Election Season
Nominations will open in January. Nominations will remain open in February and March. The election will be held at the April meeting. We will elect a new President, Vice President and two Trustees. You can nominate a member or yourself.
If you haven't paid your dues please bring your check for $100 to this month's meeting. Thank you!
Annual Dinner Dance
This event is a very important fund raiser for the Foundation. And it's always a blast. Based on the planning going on this year will be the best yet. It will be held on April 26th at the Hilton Garden Inn in Twinsburg.The cost is the same as last year, $200/couple. You'll get a chance to win money in a reverse raffle. You'll enjoy good food and an open bar. You'll get a chance to dance while enjoying the company of a couple hundred of your best friends. A great evening!
Carl Pannetti will have tickets available at this month's meeting so bring cash or a check to make sure you are part of a memorable night.
Tim DiCarro: Man of the Year
A highlight of the Annual Dinner is the announcement of the Man of the Year Award. This year’s winner was Tim DiCarro. Tim has been an active member since he joined the Club in 2013. Tim has just been elected Secretary for the
upcoming year. Tim volunteers at every event, sometimes sets up, sometimes cooks, sometimes cleans up at club meetings, works sideboards at the reverse raffle and the dinner dance, works registration table at the golf outing, helps cook lunch and serve at the golf outing.
And he’s a great guy. The Club wants to thank Tim for all he does.
Sunshine Committee
Don DeRoia will now be the contact person for the Sunshine Committee. Usually we share bad news and we do want to hear from you if a Club member, or a family member, are going through a rough time. We also would like to share good news (eg. births, marriages).
Meet club member Jim D’Orazio. Jim joined the Club in 2000 and has been an active member. Jim is currently a Trustee and he manages the Club’s communications. Jim has hosted a Steak and Stogie night and helped with many Club events. He enjoys playing in the Golf Outing every year and attending the Stag Raffle. And he heads a bocce team that’s going to make the playoffs someday. He says, “I really enjoy our events but my favorite might be attending the monthly meetings. It’s great to see everyone, the conversations are fun and the food is really good.” He says, “The Club is one of the best organizations I have ever joined. Great people that have become good friends. Great commitment to community with our scholarship program. I’m honored to be a member.”
Jim’s mother, Rosa, came to America in 1948 from Montenerodomo in Abruzzi. His father’s parents also came from there in 1894. Jim’s father, Fred, grew up in Little Italy and was a member of the ISDA and the Little Italy Retirees. Jim is retired from teaching marketing at Cleveland State. He has been married to Margaret for 43 years. They have three boys. Anthony and Maria live in Columbus. Mike and Callie live in South Euclid. Brian and Megan live in Minneapolis with their sons Remy and Aiden. Jim says, “I’m proud of my boys. They have grown to be good men. And I’m sure your grandkids are cute. They might be as cute as mine. But no kids are cuter than those little boys.” Apparently Jim is happy with those grandkids.
The Club wants to thank Jim for all he has done for the Club.
Columbus Day Parade
The Columbus Day Parade was held on October 11th. The Club was well represented and everyone had a great time. One of the best days of the year.
Bocce Season a Big Success
The playoffs were August 24th and they were exciting. Badda Bocce defeated Team DiCarro to win Tuesday night and Italia 76 defeated Slo Your Role to win Thursday night. Badda Bocce won the Championship by defeating Italia 76.
Congratulations to Tom Smith, Chris Stallano, Bill Sobonya, Vince Indriolo on being the 2021 Bocce Champions!
Badda Bocce. 2021 Champions
Winners of the Man of the Year Award. Photo by Michael Steinberg
The D'Orazio all cleaned up.
The Boys with Grandma Rosie
Hey where's Donny
Great turnout of people readyto go.
The kitchen crew does have fun.
Upcoming Events:
We hope to see you all soon!
If you haven't paid yet please don't forget to bring your membership dues of $100 to next week's meeting. If you can't make the meeting just drop a check in the mail. You can send your check, made out for $100 to the Solon Italian Club, to: